Hello again,
Today's task revolved around the being able to post pictures into our blogs. We are required to seek out pictures that have something to do with the provided topics. As I am currently without any means of transferring the images I have on my camera phone to the computer I have decided to have a quick search around some web pages to see what i can come up with.
The topics are as follows:

I feel this picture is a good representation of the concept of friends as it depicts three Japanese girls smiling and waving to whoever is taking the picture. Their body language and the way they are standing so close together is a reasonable indication of their friendship. I found this picture through a Google images search.

This is a picture of the motherboard I've just purchased for my new computer it's a Gigabyte GA-X38-
DQ6 board, the GA signifies that it's made by Gigabyte, the X38 refers to the type of
chipset the motherboard uses for talking to it's components and the
DQ6 is the boards identity within their range of boards. As with all things in the computer industry the selection of hardware comes down to a compromise in price between the latest 'bleeding edge' technology and yesterday's still current but superseded 'cutting edge' hardware. This picture I found on the Gigabyte website.

I feel that this picture apart from it having NEWS stamped over the top of it, provides a collection of pictures that have all have significant impact on our lives over the last decade. Pictures such as the twin towers being hit, the pope, a space shuttle launch and world leaders give us visual cues that make us remember these past events and what they
meant to us. This picture was found on an international news networks website Andisheh TV.

This is a good representation of Summer as it shows lots of people on what appears to be a hot day all congregating at a beach to cool off, the image shows people having fun and playing in the sun which is something the average Australian would equate to doing in summer. Again I found this picture through a search in Google images.

There were just so many unconventional pictures available on the web but I've managed to pick one out of the thousands available. This is a picture of a rather unconventionally arranged bathroom, I guess this is for those couples that have to do "everything" together. This picture is apart of a series that was posted on the web that showed unconventional urinals, its well worth the look if you are amused by this sort of thing. :) Click
HERE to go to the site
University Life

Here's a picture that I think is an excellent representation of university life, with a significant amount of time spent sitting in lecture theaters listening and learning from the person standing up the front of the room. This picture is probably a bit of an exaggeration, as in my experience the number of people who actually turn up to the lectures usually doesn't amount to so many. ^_^ I found this picture on the Griffith University website.
Well that's it for me for today. I'm looking forward to having a go at playing around with
Photoshop on Monday as I've never had anything to do with
Photoshop previously.
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