Today's task is centered around being able to have a play around with Photoshop to prove to ourselves that we are able to use software that is foreign to us. We were given a bunch of topics which we had to find pictures that represent the topics, then edit the pictures so that they emphasize the given theme. Unfortunately I do not have any means, at this stage, to transfer pictures from my camera phone to an external source so I've had to once again source these images from web sites, the links are provided at the bottom of each review.
The topics of the day are as follows:

For the theme of friends I've found this image of a bunch of friends in a heads together group hug. I feel that this is an excellent example of friendship as they are all smiling and making intimate body contact. I altered the image by changing the background colour to something more cheerful and added some text to exaggerate the group hug .

This picture is representational of high technology as it is a picture of a CPU socket on an X38 chipset motherboard also known as the 775LGA socket. I've taken the standard picture and included the logo of the site where i got the picture from, Tom's Hardware, (an excellent source for your computing informational needs), and I included a bit of text which has a dig at the one of the sticking points in the current battle that rages between the major chip manufacturers Intel and AMD.

I found this picture on the Google images site when I went looking for pictures about news. It represents the News in that it combines various recognizable pictures from around the world which all have significant meaning to most people. I have slowly developed over time a significant disenchantment when it comes to what is reported by the Mass Media outlets and have found that if you are interested, there are many different angles and sides to the stories that are fed to us. For the alteration I've cropped the image taking out some extraneous information and making it smaller and I've added some text depicting my view of what we get fed as consumers of 'The News'.

For this picture we had to find a picture that is representational of the theme Summer, so I thought to myself, what is it that makes an Australian Summer. I decided that the two things that are basically Aussie, the beach and what's at the beach in summer, sharks, so i combined the two. As a rather timely reinforcement, in the newspaper today on the front page there is a picture of a shark stalking a bunch of people standing in the surf with the headline 'Shark Bait'. I started with the beach scene and found a picture of a shark, I then did a free hand cut out and paste onto the beach image and positioned the shark image so it's just about to eat someone.

This is a couple of different images mashed together to form a new one, the image from new game on the left is a screen capture from a newly released game called Clive Barker's Jericho, a truly demented horror FPS/Adventure game that's getting some rave reviews of late and looks extremely promising, and on the right and image from yesteryear, the ubiquitous PAC Man. I thought it would be provide an interesting contrast of how far the games have have advanced in terms of not only graphics but in style of play, from the third person where you were controlling another entity, to today's FPS where you take the role of the character, the fact this change took place over such a relatively short period in time says a lot about what drives game development.

For this topic I was having a hard time coming up with a definition for being successful, I eventually decided to go with the two ends of the spectrum on how some people achieve success, on one end we have Ghandi, a man who dedicated his life to protest through non-violent measures and in this he was a success with many people following his world and praising his forsight. On the other end of the spectrum we have George W. Bush a man who has taken a once great nation and dragged it's name and international reputation through the mud by using force to achieve his goals. I started out with two separate images, reduced the size of the pictures and cut and shut them into a single image.

Here I found a picture that represents the celebrity theme with a picture of Eddie Murphy standing beside the character he does the voice over for in the 'Shrek' movie series. I've taken the picture which was quite large and shrunk it down, added some text to the picture as a bit of a joke. I then went and found a banner of one of the movies titles shrunk that down and pasted it into the original, I had to do some minor touch ups with the photo as the movie title took a chunk out of Eddie's shoulder.
Well that's it for today's task, thank you for joining me and I hope to see you soon, this is Mammon signing off.
PS. Here's a quick review of Clive Barker's Jericho by a very funny man who reviews games in the style of zero punctuation. (Language Warning for the easily offended)
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